IR News
- 09/02/2024
- Press Release
- Notice of Delisting of Company Shares
- 08/01/2024
- Press Release
- Notice of Resolution to Approve Share Consolidation, Abolition of the Provision on Share Units, and Partial Amendments to the Article of Incorporation
- 06/27/2024
- Press Release
- Notice Regarding the Cancellation of Treasury Stock
- 06/27/2024
- Press Release
- Notice Concerning Share Consolidation, Abolition of the Provision on Share Units, and Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation
- 06/20/2024
- Press Release
- Notice Regarding the Dividend of Surplus (No Interim Dividend Payment)
- 05/24/2024
- Press Release
- Notice of Determination of Record Date for Convocation of Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting
- 05/16/2024
- Press Release
- Announcement of the Results of the Tender Offer for the Company's Common Shares by XYZ K.K. and Change of the Parent Company and the Largest Shareholder Among the Major Shareholders
- 05/09/2024
- Press Release
- Notice Concerning Progress of Discussions with Brother Industries, Ltd.
- 05/07/2024
- Press Release
- Notice Concerning Progress of Discussions with Brother Industries, Ltd.
- 04/26/2024
- Press Release
- Opinion regarding Tender Offer (MBO) for the Company Shares by XYZ K.K. and Scheduled Commencement of Tender Offer for the Company's Shares by Brother Industries, Ltd.
- 04/26/2024
- Press Release
- (Amendment) Notice Concerning Change of Opinion Pertaining to the Tender Offer for the Company's Common Shares by XYZ K.K.
- 04/26/2024
- Press Release
- Notice Regarding Changes, etc. to Conditions, etc. of Tender Offer for Shares of Roland DG Corporation (Securities Code: 6789) by XYZ K.K.
- 04/12/2024
- Press Release
- Notice Concerning Status of the Consultation regarding the Announcement of Scheduled Commencement of Tender Offer for Company's Shares by Brother Industries, Ltd. and the Tender Offer for the Company's Common Shares by XYZ K.K.
- 04/12/2024
- Press Release
- (Amendment) Notice Concerning Change of Opinion Pertaining to the Tender Offer for the Company's Common Shares by XYZ K.K.
- 04/12/2024
- Press Release
- Notice Regarding Changes, etc. to Conditions, etc. of Tender Offer for Shares of Roland DG Corporation (Securities Code: 6789) by XYZ K.K.
- 03/27/2024
- Press Release
- Notice Regarding Changes, etc. to Terms and Conditions, etc. of Tender Offer for Shares of Roland DG Corporation (Securities Code: 6789)
- 03/27/2024
- Press Release
- (Amendment) Notice Concerning Change of Opinion Pertaining to the Tender Offer for the Company's Common Shares by XYZ K.K.
- 03/26/2024
- Press Release
- Notice Concerning Change of Opinion Pertaining to the Tender Offer for the Company's Common Shares by XYZ K.K.
- 03/26/2024
- Press Release
- Notice of Receipt of Dividend from Consolidated Subsidiaries
- 03/13/2024
- Press Release
- Notice Concerning the Announcement of Scheduled Commencement of Tender Offer for Company's Stock by Brother Industries, Ltd.
- 03/08/2024
- Press Release
- (Amendment) Notice Regarding Amendment of Public Notice of Commencement of Tender Offer Following Submission of Amended Statement in Connection with Tender Offer Statement for Shares of Roland DG Corporation by XYZ K.K.
- 03/07/2024
- Press Release
- (Amendment) Notice Regarding Amendment of Public Notice of Commencement of Tender Offer Following Submission of Amended Statement in Connection with Tender Offer Statement for Shares of Roland DG Corporation by XYZ K.K.
- 02/13/2024
- Press Release
- (Revision) Announcement of Partial Revision to “Notice Concerning Implementation of MBO and Recommendation to Tender”
- 02/09/2024
- Press Release
- Notice Regarding the Dividend of Surplus (No Dividend Payment) and the Discontinuation of the Shareholder Benefit Program
- 02/09/2024
- Press Release
- Notice Concerning Implementation of MBO and Recommendation to Tender
- 02/09/2024
- Press Release
- Notice Regarding Commencement of Tender Offer for Shares of Roland DG Corporation (Securities Code: 6789)